Pension Age Winter Heating Payment

Closed 15 Jan 2024

Opened 23 Oct 2023

Feedback updated 28 Jun 2024

We asked

As part of the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment consultation, we explained our intention to replace the UK Government’s Winter Fuel Payment on a like for like basis. As part of this, we asked questions about whether the proposals were likely to meet the policy intent; whether the eligibility criteria is clear; the naming of the benefit; the amount, format and timing of the payment; the impact of the policy as well as requesting views on the longer term development of the benefit.

You said

We received 906 responses to the consultation, 881 from individuals and 25 from organisations. Most respondents indicated that they support the like for like introduction of a new benefit to replace Winter Fuel Payment, and there was strong support for maintaining universal eligibility of the payment. However, some also expressed reservations about the proposed universal eligibility criteria, and called for payments to be better targeted at those experiencing fuel poverty. These views were also reflected in the work undertaken with stakeholders alongside the consultation.

Concerns were also expressed around the timescales for clients to request a redetermination following an unsuccessful application. Respondents raised concerns that clients would have 31 days to request a redetermination, whereas Social Security Scotland will have 56 days to consider this request. Respondents suggested that older people may need longer than 31 days to gather the evidence required to challenge a decision. Similarly, many suggested that 56 days may be too long for clients to wait for the outcome of a redetermination, as this long period may leave individuals without funds at the start of the winter period.

Respondents highlighted a range of ways in which the payment could be made more effective for rural and island communities. Highlighting the difficulties for those living off gas-grid in sourcing alternative fuels, and the rising prices of these fuels across the winter period, many called for higher payment values and earlier or more flexible payment timings for rural communities.

Similarly, many respondents highlighted other groups who could benefit from the payment, calling for the expansion of eligibility to include vulnerable groups such as adults with disabilities and unpaid carers.

We did

We considered the consultation responses and the impacts that the suggested changes would have if they were implemented. We have taken into account the extent to which any changes to the policy may present a significant financial challenge or potentially risk our ability to deliver the benefit in winter 2024-25, due to the requirement for a substantial redesign of the delivery systems of the payment.

In response to concerns raised within the consultation about redeterminations, we have now changed these timescales to give clients 42 days to challenge a decision, rather than the originally proposed timescale of 31 days. This will provide clients with greater flexibility, giving them more time to challenge a decision on their application.

Due to the complexity of decision making within Pension Age Winter Heating Payment, which may involve a process of household matching as well as seeking additional information in relation to the qualifying week, we have not changed the timescales for Social Security Scotland to respond to redetermination requests. It is important to note that 56 days would be the upper limit for completing a re-determination, and that we expect most re-determinations to be completed more quickly. This benefit will have the largest caseload of all Social Security Scotland benefits, with over 1 million people eligible. Considering the scale of the eligible cohort and the complexity of decision-making, even a small volume of re-determinations could have significant operational impacts. A timescale of 56 days to complete re-determinations will allow Social Security Scotland to more effectively manage these requests, reducing the risk of re-determinations going out-of-time.

As proposed, we will maintain universal eligibility to ensure the safe and secure transfer of the benefit this winter. The Scottish Government will continue to consider options for the longer term development of the benefit post-launch. The responses to the consultation will support this work.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Scottish Government has committed to replacing Winter Fuel Payment (WFP) with Pension Age Winter Heating Payment (PAWHP) on a like-for-like basis. Given the significant number of clients who will be transferred to Social Security Scotland with this benefit and the need to ensure a safe and secure transition, the focus of this consultation is around gathering evidence on people’s views of the current benefit and considering how we could improve the system already in place.

We are therefore consulting on the policy intention behind the delivery of PAWHP, building on the broader consultation on the Social Security Bill in 2016 which asked respondents for their views on WFP and Cold Weather Payment. This consultation aims to provide an overview of the payments aim, its key eligibility criteria and format. It will lay out how we intend to deliver this new benefit through Social Security Scotland to provide assistance to individuals to help towards meeting heating costs in winter. We also want to identify any unintended consequences of our proposals.

This consultation asks questions on whether the policy intent set out in the Scottish approach to replacing WFP will best meet the needs of those it is intended to help.

We would like to gather views to ensure we have identified the impacts this policy will have, and provide the opportunity to make improvements to the benefit going forward.

Read the consultation paper 


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